"Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again."
-Nelson Mandela
Chestnut Talented and Gifted Middle School

Seventh grade humanities students will learn about several Ancient Civilizations from across the globe and about the current events happening in those regions today. Students will analyze a variety of sources from the past and present and engage in rigorous activities to cultivate their critical thinking skills. A variety of assessments such as essays, debates, and presentations will be used throughout the year to measure each student's learning. My lessons will be aligned with the Massachusetts History and Social Sciences Curriculum Framework and Common Core Literacy in Social Studies Standards.
Introduction to Social Studies
Students will learn how to study complex societies from the past and present.
Ancient Central and South Asia
Students will analyze ancient civilizations in Central and South Asia and compare structural inequality in these civilizations to the United States today.
Ancient East Asia
Students will examine ancient civilizations in East Asia and explore the connections between the Silk Road and modern-day globalization, along with human rights issues in ancient times.
Ancient Southeast Asia and Oceania
Students will learn about ancient civilizations in Southeast Asia and Oceania and explain the impact of colonialism in this region.
Ancient Greece
Students will study the foundations of democracy and explore the influence of Athenian democracy today. Students will be able to explain how restrictions on voting access in ancient Athens impacted their democracy.
Ancient Rome
Students will analyze structural inequality in the Roman Empire and compare the governments of the Roman Republic, Athenian Democracy, and American Democracy. Students will be able to explain the Athenian and Roman influence on American democracy.
Actions & Activism
Students will research current events focusing on humanitarian issues.

This is my fourth year teaching at Chestnut TAG and I am beyond excited to be your Social Studies teacher! Social Studies was always my favorite subject when I was in school because I loved learning about diverse cultures and studying how events throughout history have changed the world.
I went to UMass Amherst with the goal of becoming a Social Studies teacher. I received my Bachelor's Degree in History and Political Science and then received my Master's Degree in Education. I have been teaching at TAG ever since!
I hope to provide students with a fun environment that gives them the opportunity to explore the world. Students will learn about current issues across the globe and make connections between the present day and ancient times. Our curriculum will represent diverse perspectives that are often left unheard and will focus on how human rights have been challenged throughout time. Students will learn how to think critically, evaluate sources for reliability, and be able to create strong arguments that are based on evidence. I look forward to learning more about the world we live in alongside my students this year!

Chestnut Talented and Gifted Middle School
355 Plainfield Street, Springfield MA 01104
School Phone: 413-750-2333
Email is my preferred method of communication. I will try to respond to all emails within one business day.